The Owner of Sugar Bowl Candy Co., LLC - Amanda!

About the Owner

Hey there!

My name is Amanda and I am the creator and owner of Sugar Bowl Candy Co. I started this business after falling in love with freeze-dried candy and wanting to fill a need in my community.

I previously worked in the school system as a paraprofessional and although I loved my students, the COVID pandemic did a number on me. I was diagnosed with Lupus and Sjogren’s in December and ultimately decided to leave my para position in February. I was unsure what I wanted to do at that time, but spent a couple of months recovering from the stresses of the school system and spending a lot of time with my rheumatologist 😂

I originally wanted to start a flower farm or sticker shop but suburbia is not kind to gardens and Cricut machines can be incredibly hard to navigate. In April, I tried freeze-dried candy and thought, “I can do this!”. I bought a machine that same month; I got to work building my brand while I waited for it to come and then started perfecting how to make candy as soon as I received it.

When I was finally ready, I was nervous to post about my business, totally afraid it was going to flop. I immediately had a positive response and orders! The relief was astounding and I was even more excited to start doing pop-ups and fairs/festivals.

I have met so many kind, wonderful people - as a self-proclaimed “introvert”, I have been amazed at how much I have loved meeting all the new people I’ve met over the last couple of months. You guys are awesome!

💜 Amanda

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